Portsmouth Comic Con 2024 part 1
Portsmouth comic con - The journey down
Here we go again, Portsmouth comic con 11th-12th May. We had such fun last year at the con that we knew we just had to come back again.
It seems when we do Portsmouth con there's always something that throws a spanner in the works, last year it was the train strike causing us to have to get a coach to London victoria and then another Coach down to Portsmouth.
This year it was an issue with the dogs we were struggling to find someone who would dog sit for us, originally my mum was going to look after them but sadly she passed away in april, so we had to come us with another arrangement so the plan was for my partner Rachel to go down and do the con solo and I would just be the donkey and help carry the stuff down and then return home to look after the dogs, but by grace the lovely lady who Rachel dog sits for offers to look after the dogs for us, enabling me to be able to attend.
It an early start for us to get to the trains to get us to London ready for our Connection train, we travelled down with two very very heavy suitcase full of stock and new merchandise. We made it to London no problem even arrived early and made our way over as quickly as our bags would allow to the connection train to Portsmouth.
Once we arrive in Portsmouth we made our way over to the guild Hall to set up are stall, Rachel went and check us in and I stayed with the bags in the marquee tent that would be comic Village for the next two days. Once she return she sent me away so she could set up the table, she had a vision in mind and I would of just got in her way and I know better then to do that. I walk around the guildhall and checked out the other vendors who had stated to arrive, then I went to get us some drinks, it is hot, very hot. I returned to the comic village where Rachel was putting the finishing touches to the table. It looked really good she jokingly said that if she sent me on my own it would of just been a table with books on and two roller banners behind and nothing else. She not wrong but hey. After we set up, we headed to our hotel and checked in, once in our room, Rachel set about charging all out tech for tomorrow only to discover that our Power brick didn't work anymore, so she quickly went online to find somewhere that was selling power bricks and set off to the local tesco to grab one. Once back she charged the power brick and then we just relaxed for the rest of the evening, read in anticipation for tomorrow.