Portsmouth Comic Con

8th May

Portsmouth Comic Con 6th-7th May 2023

Well Portsmouth comic con was an adventure, our plan was originally to get the train down to Portsmouth and Southsea, but due to train strikes we had to amend our plans, so instead of the train we used a national express coach to London Victoria and then had to change to another coach to get to Portsmouth. It took 8 and half hours to get there, but it was worth it. We got checked in at the Portsmouth Guildhall and met up with my publisher Markosia and the team that would be representing them at the con. Markosia offered me a spot at their booth/table a few months ago, they do this from time to time where they bring in writers to do special signings at conventions. My partner Rachel set up the side of the booth/table we would be on leaving enough space because I was sharing with another talented author Annika Eade, who would be joining Markosia on Saturday for a signing.

Once set up we headed to our hotel the premier inn which was just next to the Guildhall and the train station Rachel had planed it so we wouldn’t have far to go between either location, we had a quiet evening before all the excitement of tomorrow.

We got up early and enjoyed a cooked breakfast at the hotel before meeting up with Jordon and his partner who were running the Markosia booth. All Four of us headed over to the Guildhall and to the booth which was located in Comic zone 1 on the ground floor. We put the finishing touches to our displays and then as we had some time to spare before the con opened Rachel and I walked around having a look at the other booths and getting to know some of the other vendors.

At 10am the doors opened and in came all the lovely people, it was wonderful, such a happy environment where everyone comes together to enjoy the same thing and it doesn’t matter what fandom you belonged to, if you’re a casual fan or a super fan it lovely to see everyone come together to have a good time.

We did really well, I even got interviewed, that was an experience I don’t have much practice with interviews but they seamed happy with what I gave and Rachel said I did a good job to, once you get me talking about my Art there’s no shutting me up, I can waffle on and on.

Jordon saw how well we were doing with our sales he offered to get my up in the artist alley area for Sunday 7th as someone had pulled out but unfortunately, we had almost sold out of stock so there would be no point, we were only expecting to be selling for one day so planned for that. By the time it was nearly 5pm and almost the close of the show we were completely sold out, I was on such a high I never expected to do so well. We had a wonderful time at Portsmouth and we very much look forward to coming back next year.  


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