Birtchington Comic Con
21st May 2023
Today was a good day, an exciting day, it was my first solo Comic con. I was lucky to be invited to Birchington’s comic con at Quex park in Kent, not far from where I live. The day started early for myself and my partner Rachel getting the car loaded with everything we would need for today and then travelling the 30 minutes to get there, we did get a bit lost Rachel’s Satnav decided to take us down the back roads to Quex park, but we found it and made it with plenty of time to set up and have a walk around the con to see all the other stalls and vendors.
By 11am the gates where open and the crowds were flooding in, I was nervous and a bit anxious but as soon as I saw the crowds and we made our first few sales the nerves quickly went away. It was a beautiful day the sun was shining and there was a good atmosphere all around, it was great to see so many cosplayers and families enjoying themselves. My mum even came down to support me which was nice she seemed to enjoy herself as well as she came back with lots of goodies.
The stall was busy with people all coming and having a look at the different books I offered, my adaptation of War of the worlds by HG Wells did really well and had lots of people engaging with me asking me about the books, and what medias I use, it was such a blast.
By 4pm the con had died down but the main stage was still busy as they were announcing the cosplay competition winners, everyone looked fantastic, the con finished at 5pm and we were able to pack away the stall and head home, it was a fantastic day and I hope to return to Birchington con again.